Thursday, April 4, 2013

That Time of The Month..Ugh

Every month my cycle starts and for many women child bearing age that are ready to have children your praying that your cycle's late and you have some that pray it doesn't start so that they can avoid cramping and bloating to fit into those new I on the other hand pray for endurance to last through the most difficult 5 days of my life. It does not matter if I start a week earlier with getting the medication in my system to ease the cramping "oh no, tried it and it doesn't seem to work." So the moment I see the first sight of light pink I hold on for dear life because I know exactly how this week in going to go. At one point I could lay down for a about an  hour and a half with my heating pad and wait but as soon as I get up to move around thinking it has ease. "Down Goes Frazier."  It feels like your insides are all being pulled and tugged at your entire abdomen hurts like HELL!!!  The part that gets to me the most beyond the cramps is the clotting. It's by far the worst part of my cycle. It stings and I cramp more when its on its way out. It makes you feel like your going to pass out and sends your entire body into shock.  Many days I just sat on the couch and shock from head to toe being in so much pain everything around you becomes invisible.  You can't think, talk, walk taking normal breaths becomes challenging. Some people would not believe this sometimes goes on throughout your entire cycle but it does for me and most women that I've met through twitter, facebook and other sites for women with my condition where we get together and share our stories and advice of just getting through the day itself.  But until we find a cure for this invisible illness I stick close to my permanent sidekicks that help get me through the heating pad, my bed, my ritz crackers, my ginger ale and my ibuprofen/hydrocodone..

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